A transformative one-day immersion with
Gary Malkin & Hope Fitzgerald

What does it take to feel fully alive?
How can we live in the present moment with vitality and joy?
Those who have accomplished this have somehow learned how to navigate life’s many transitions confidently and gracefully, so they thrive no matter what the circumstances.
What’s their secret?
They understand that if they embrace, rather than resist, the many twists and turns that life presents and see them as opportunities rather than setbacks, they will be happier, freer people.

So, how do we get there?
When life is going well, it’s only human to not want to ‘rock the boat’ - to want everything to stay the same.
But, within this false sense of permanence, most of us are caught in an unconscious fear of losing what we’ve become comfortable with.
It’s natural to resist unwanted changes such as a difficult diagnosis, the unexpected loss of a job or a loved one, or even the intimidating prospect of suddenly wondering if your days might be numbered.
We live in a culture that’s defined by these fears: fear of the unexpected, fear of the unknown, fear of change, illness, and death.
Yet, those fears tend to make us cling to the past and resist change, which can be said to be more the cause of suffering than navigating change itself.

"Fully living" is about accepting life's transitions with an innate trust that life is happening FOR you, not TO you...
By trusting this perspective, we believe that you’ll be able to prepare for the future and thrive no matter what’s happening with your health, your finances, your career, or your relationships.
And when you realize that how you respond to change impacts the very evolution of your soul, you’ll never feel victimized by life again. You’ll become more aware, peaceful, and liberated to experience your days more deeply, consciously and gracefully.
We invite you to an unforgettable weekend experience that will touch, inspire, and empower you with an embodied resilience, deeper trust, and a gratitude for Life.
This groundbreaking workshop will restore your vitality as you awaken to your capacity to navigate Change, Growth, Life, and Death through our experiential four-step process we call:

Address and metabolize loss and grief from the past;
Cultivate self-love through acceptance and forgiveness;
Face the unknown and the reality of your mortality;
Awaken gratitude and joy at the miracle of life.
The Passage Way
You will learn to:
Cultivate all forms of your human intelligences as experienced through your Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Spirit, converging into your unique and innate Vibrational Intelligence.
Allow the transformative “medicine” of music – and the magic of listening to itself - to assist you in feeling and broadening your vibrant emotional reservoir. As you ease into the landscapes of loss, you can release inhibiting beliefs and open to cathartic revelations about what and who matters most to you in your life.
Use the Infinity Wave, a dynamic, energetic tool that accelerates direct access to love and compassion to ease the discomfort of change, connect you to the Source, and reinstate flow and grace to your system. It works hand-in-hand with music to evoke transformation on every level.
Immerse yourself in inspiring modalities for transmuting loss into liberation, resistance into acceptance, and fear into peace so you can reclaim an acute awareness of life’s preciousness and experience greater joy and connectedness to all of life.

Surrounded by the breathtaking Shenandoah Valley at the exquisite South River Highlands Country Retreat in Lexington, VA, we invite you to be nurtured with an intimate gathering of heart-centered seekers in this live Graceful Passages workshop that will rejuvenate you after the unprecedented disruptions that have impacted us all.
Facilitated by inspirational speaker and Emmy award-winning composer Gary Malkin (one of the original co-producers of the globally acclaimed Graceful Passages), and spiritual leader and Death Doula, Hope Fitzgerald (direct receiver of the “Infinity Wave”).
We will be joined by a special online guest presenter, Dr. Karen M. Wyatt from the End of Life University, and have an online conversation with the co-creators of Graceful Passages, Michael and Doris Stillwater.

"Gary Malkin’s music is a deep experience of essence, a remembering of our direct connection with all that is.”
Joan Borysenko
"I had the most incredible opportunity spending time at Hope's retreat... The best adjectives I have to describe her are: present, safe, warm, soft, direct, available, enlightening, generous, inspiring and transcendent..."
Kim Z.
November 12
9 - 3pm PST
12 - 6pm EST

"The healing effect of this music and these words on our mind/body cannot be overestimated...Graceful Passages touches us where it matters most."
—Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., Author: Minding the Body, Mending the Mind.

"If you are going through challenges, or helping others going through transitions of any kind, I highly recommend Graceful Passages. The music is extraordinary, the spoken wisdom is timeless, and the gift book is exquisite. Let this masterpiece of healing music and inspiring words be an audio sanctuary for your soul and a priceless gift to share with someone you love."
— Jack Canfield, co-creator, "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series

"Graceful Passages invites us to listen to the depths of our being, in sickness or health. This is a true liturgy of soul, a blessing for the caregivers, companions and family of those in transition. The beauty of music, word and spirit brings us to the world of Grace."
— Don Campbell, Author: The Mozart Effect and Music: Physician for Times to Come

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