Angels Among Us...
Greetings, Wavy One! Thank you for all the lovely responses to last week's newsletter ( HERE ) about the "strange angel." I'm so glad...
Angels Among Us...
Cultivating Oneness in a Topsy-Turvy World
Miracles are happening!
A New Season... and a Time for Giving
Exploring Our Purpose
Exploring Our Purpose
Celebrating Water on Earth Day!
I Met a Hero Today...
Spring's Healing Pace...
When the Waves Get Big...
A Valentine For You 💗
Trust Your Heart or Gut? 💗
What goes around, comes around...
Let's Ride the Waves, Baby!
Struck by the Presence of Love and Peace...
Presencing the Turn...
Cultivating Compassionate Presence
Cosmic Unity
free gifts, community events, the latest news and blog!