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A bridge To One A nother...

Greetings, Luminous One!

I hope this week has been fruitful for your bridge-building to your relationship with your body. (If you missed last week's blog about February's theme and plan, you could find it HERE)

It certainly has been a powerful time for me as I've been concentrating on releasing recently revealed trauma. Although it's not always fun to dive into that particular pool (brrr!), the payoff of shedding long-held emotions is immensely freeing and so worth it.

If you're up for a similar journey, I suggest letting go of what you can on your own by enlisting the Earth and the Sacred Elements - call them in to cleanse your body, mind, and spirit. Going further, you can recruit healers to root out the deeply-stored baggage that often evades our conscious minds. Little did I know the origination of my issues was 2,000 years ago!

I've introduced you to several brilliant, capable practitioners over the last year, but one of the wisest and learned ones was our Infinite Wisdom guest last Tuesday,

Dr. Bertrand Babinet. He taught us easy techniques to release trauma and return to a healthy spiritual alignment. (For the replay, click HERE.)

One comforting takeaway was his explanation that although the human brain is hardwired for reactivity, we can quickly reprogram it to remain peaceful.

Among many other things, he said:

"Where there is Peace, there is Love; Where there is Love, there is Oneness; Where there is Oneness, there is No Need."

Last week we worked on our relationship with ourselves, and this week, we will concentrate on the next corner of the pyramid: our relationship with Others. By "Others", we're not only talking about the people in our lives but also the connection with Spirit/Source/God or whatever name you use. What a perfect time to be focusing on this during Valentine's week!

To get things started, wrap yourself in an Infinity Wave to come into resonance. Then, some questions to ask yourself might be:

Do I have any important relationships, both living and departed, that would benefit from healing? If so, what can I do to facilitate that? (HINT: the Forgiveness Practice could be useful...)

Are there any current relationships that I'd like to deepen or strengthen? If so, what can I do to facilitate that?

Are my relationships balanced in terms of reciprocity? Am I giving as much (or more) than I receive?

Are my relationships serving my positive growth as a soul? Are there any that would be better to release?

And so forth...

It's always a good idea to do a review like this from time to time.

NOTE: As we're out of long isolation, we may feel awkward with our relationships because so much has changed within and around us. Our orientation to Life itself has likely shifted, so I hope you'll go easy on yourself and others as you scan your relationships with the people in your life.

Let's remember that one of the most potent ways to use the Infinity Wave is with another person from heart to heart, much like this image from Heartmath:

Allow the 10th-dimensional Love and Compassion of the Infinity Wave to connect you with your Valentine and feel the shift into a higher frequency. (Valentines don't have to be romantic - even pets can be our most beloved ones!)

Have a wonderful week building a bridge to your relationships with Others!

Love and infinite blessings, -Hope

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