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A New Season... and a Time for Giving

Greetings, Wavy One, and Happy Summer!

I'm writing from soggy New England on the Cancer Solstice...

As you likely know, the solstices are the most potent turning points of the astrological year. As Astrobutterfly writes:

"There's a tension, a feeling that "this is as far as we can get - something has to change." You, too, may feel at a turning point... What can you do differently?"

Cancer is also a sign of Family and Home, and that's what I want to share about today since both are such a big factor in making us who we are.

I thought I knew who I was as a mother having raised 2 children, but then I received the gift of an unexpected turning point, and now...

I've been stretched to a bigger picture because

"my family" has grown to 55 in the past year!

But let's start at the beginning... How did this all happen?

The short video below tells the tale... (keep in mind that I didn't create this video and would not have featured myself so prominently - it's not about me, but about the kids.)

But first...

I'd like you to imagine raising your children with all the love and care that you can muster, only to say "goodbye" when they turn 18 as you helplessly watch them leave your family without any funding, shelter, or safety net of any kind...

Would any of us be able to accept that?

I think not.

Yet, that is the situation all over the world when orphans age out of their homes where their very real brothers, sisters, and stand-in parents have loved and supported them for most, if not all, of their lives.

It's a societal gap that many never think about (except human traffickers) but one which I'm passionate about mending... and I hope that you'll join me.

As you'll learn in the video, on my first trip to Nepal, I met a lovely young man named Rabin (who's quite the footballer!).

Through concern for his and his older brothers' and sisters' challenges in creating a secure future, my friends and I have put our heads together and not only hatched a plan but ...

We've gone out on a limb by promising 55 young Nepali adults that by July 30th, 1000 of our friends, colleagues, and relations will donate $100 to let them know that they're not alone in starting out in life.

It's a BIG promise, and I sincerely hope you'll help us to fulfill it!

(Plus, there are "Thank you" gifts for your gifts!)

Just think, if this beta program works, we might be able to spread it to other orphan homes around the world as a blueprint for helping others!

If you wish to donate now,

please use the link HERE


scan the QR code in the flyer below.

ancient secrets foundation

For more details, read on...

Inspired by the Ayurveda master, Dr. Pankaj Naram, the Ancient Secrets Foundation that Dr. Clint G. Rogers leads has been supporting several orphanages in Nepal since 2020. Each of the 9 orphan homes has about 30 children from ages 3 - 21.

On my first trip to Nepal, when our group met them, we were amazed at how intelligent, creative, and talented they were in scholastics, sports, arts and crafts, and dancing, to name only a few of their abilities.

But more importantly, these children are uniquely special in their love for one another, for people in general and for life itself. As a testament to how they've been raised, many want to dedicate their lives to helping others who are less fortunate than they are. Wow.

As our veteran teacher, Dr Baral, said after interviewing them,

“I’ve taught hundreds of students over the last 50 years from all walks of life and have never met children with such positivity and enthusiasm.”

That was our direct experience as well - the vivaciousness in these kids blew us away! We went in planning to shower them with love but instead, it was they who enveloped us in a tsunami of affection and joy! I can truly say it was intoxicating.

But, some of us wondered:

What happens AFTER life in the orphan homes?

We learned that due to Nepali law, once a child reaches 18 they are required to leave the orphanage – the only stable home they've ever known.

To say this presents an abrupt transition is putting it mildly. In leaving the comforting love of so many, they must fend for themselves alone, with no money, few (if any) life skills and no family safety net. In the past, some have disappeared into the impoverished, chaotic world of Kathmandu never to be heard from again.

We just can't accept that - what a waste of brilliant humanity!

We see these incredible young adults as potential change-agents in the world and can’t allow them to fall through the cracks.

So, we're building a bridge...

For nearly a year, some of us have been meeting with the dependable, dedicated team in Nepal who oversee the orphanages, ensuring that every penny of the Ancient Secrets funding is accounted for and being used as it was intended.

Our conversations led us to a mission of equipping these beautiful maturing souls with the necessary tools for living in the “real world" and providing a temporary safe haven as they transition into it.

Just to assure you, this is not a case of western thinking being imposed upon their culture. Every cautionary, respectful step has been taken to provide a support to what THEY want, not what we think they should want.

To that end, Dr Baral interviewed all youths 18+ to determine what their dreams are.

There is some urgency because the school year is now over and there are 55 young adults from 9 orphanages needing to make the leap into training programs or university.

Most have been staying in their orphan homes past their 18th birthdays as minimally paid "helpers" because they don't have the resources to leave.

Clearly, nothing can be created without financial support and this is where you come in.

Let's understand the needs in detail:

Financial Support

At Ancient Secrets Foundation, we've created a budget for our short-term goals and have identified key areas for our 1-year pilot program:

  • Guidance/Life Skills/Education

  • Accommodation/Food

  • University Tuition

  • Vocational Training - tuition, etc.

  • Student materials - books, etc.

  • Transportation

  • Hospitality Training Program

  • Community Building and Sustainable Impact

As mentioned above, the first step has been to enlist dedicated mentors to personally meet several times with each child to understand their aspirations while also offering ideas and possibilities that extend beyond the mainstream.

From eco-villages to vocational training to university, they’ve explored diverse paths for each individual and the steps necessary for realizing the goals.

2. Life Skills Education

Our commitment goes beyond academics. Life skills, such as opening a bank account or signing a lease, are integral to their success.

To ensure a foundation for independent living, we are initiating classes for those who have graduated, as well as for the younger teens still in the homes.

3. Accommodation/Food

We have both long-term goals of establishing our own facility and immediate plans to secure apartments near to their orphan homes and provide daily nourishment until they can support themselves.

4. Tuition

Not every teenager wishes to continue into higher education - in fact, many of them have never even had this option presented to them. For those who desire it, scholarships will be applied for, but there are tuition costs already existing.

5. Vocational Training

Some of the youth have expressed a desire to learn a trade, so tuition will be needed.

6. Student Materials

No matter which modality of training or education a student wishes to pursue, basic materials are required. No one has a computer, so there's a BIG dream to supply each child with a simple laptop.

7. Transportation

Kathmandu is a big city with a busy bus system, which some of the young adults will take to their various institutions, while others will use for work apprenticeships. All will need commuting assistance when starting out.

8. Hospitality Training Program

This is a short, intensive program for those who aren't sure what they wish to do for a career but want to learn some basic, employable skills (barista, kitchen, bar) and become interns in one of the many hotels in Kathmandu.

They will be taught everything from time management to customer service.

9. Community Building and Sustainable Impact

To foster trust and camaraderie, we've had several gatherings to introduce the young adults from the different orphanages to one another because our vision broadens beyond the current cohort.

We aim to create a network where successfully-launched adults will gratefully give back to their orphanages with finances and connections, eventually establishing a perpetual cycle of support.

Starting with these 55, they will build a pathway so that in the future, each child will have a sense of where they’re going and who their support alumni are well before they walk out the doors of the orphan homes.

Funding Our Dreams

To make this vision a reality, we’re asking everyone to give from their infinite hearts...

As Clint writes:

"55 beautiful souls are facing a new life away from the only stability they're ever known. As you can imagine, it is a big step, with no support, and they're nervous. Without our help & love now, they could end up in situations that are scary.

In return for your help, once these young adults have training and stable income, they are very eager to ‘pay-it-forward’ to the other kids coming after them. As such, your single act of love today will send countless ripples into the future.

Perhaps in honor of someone special in your family or simply out of love guiding you, you might consider becoming one of those who stands with these kids to let them know they are not alone?" To donate, click HERE


Love and infinite blessings,


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