Greetings, Wavy One!
Thank you for all the lovely responses to last week's newsletter (HERE) about the "strange angel." I'm so glad that story touched you as it did me.
I'd like to follow it up with a relevant conversation I had this morning with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene:
Hope: Can you please give an update about the film that was pierced by the etheric sword at Mt Shasta? Is it still tearing or is it completely gone?
Yeshua: It is completely gone. Now the raw time begins… there will be more chaos, but there will also be more light, the light of Truth. As I have said before, only those of great courage and heart will request to see the Truth. They will know in advance that the Truth will require tremendous adjustments in their thinking and understanding. I am extremely proud of you all for what you were willing to do in Mt Shasta. Let this be a lesson in willingness to walk on the tightrope and wait for the instructions when you need them. We will do this again and again, if you are willing. What is most important is that you realize the import of your willingness – this is key to all interaction with the other worlds. Most people do not realize how unwilling they really are - it is a very subtle thing to be willing...
To be willing is to be unafraid of disaster. To be unafraid of disaster means that you have the confidence that everything will work out. To have that confidence, you must find the trust that you are not alone in your life’s venture, that there are support systems that you cannot see which will hold you up or supply helpful hands.
Is there not always an angel by your side? Yes, there is. Please ask for them to help you. And please test the system – ask your angels for help and support at every opportunity. Soon you will attract more angels as you rely on them more frequently. That is how it works – it is like an “Angels for Hire” agency – the more a person requests, the more angels sign up for duty. No angel likes to sit around!
H: Can you say anything about the book I’m reading by Chris Bledsoe – UFOs of God? Are the light beings he has been encountering what we might understand as angels? And are those what are referred to in the Bible?
Y: Yes, the light beings are a form of angel, although there are many varieties. Some take the shape of his “lady” while others appear simply as light. There are many legions of angels, each with their own particular signature, so it is difficult to make a blanket statement about them. But, in general, yes, there are space brothers and sisters who are operating in their light bodies and who have appeared to humans in those forms. That does not mean that every orb or UFO is an angel or that every angel takes only those forms. It is far more nuanced than that. One thing you can say is that a light being, whether a UFO or angel, has a higher consciousness and generally means no harm. There are other civilizations on other planets that are not so kind and loving, but those with whom Chris is interacting are genuinely lovingly-based. I'm excited to share this with you because we tend to forget how much aid is available to us at all times, if we would only ask.
However, we need to keep in mind that how we think a situation should be resolved is not always what is understood on the higher realms as what is in our highest good overall.
That's where the willingness and trust comes in...
willingness to fly blind,
(To Rely On Spirit Totally)
As we're now in the peduncle of a profound planetary shift, caught in a swirl of conflicting stories of what's true and not true, this would be a good time to consider just how willing we are to rely on a higher Truth and be guided by that alone.
That decision - for it IS a decision - will enable us to accept the many changes that are ahead more readily. With much love and infinite blessings,