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Presencing the Turn...

Greetings, Luminous Soul!

On the eve of the Winter Solstice (my favorite night of the year), I wanted to reach out to express my gratitude to you for traveling together through 2023.

I know it has been a challenging year for many, and I only hope that our small (but mighty!) band of loving comrades has helped to mitigate those upheavals.

The Solstice always marks for me the beginning of the new year, so tonight, known as "Mother Night," is the perfect time to begin to feel what the great turn into 2024 will bring for you. (Click HERE to learn more about it.)

I imagine an earlier time when the Sun's movements - or lack thereof - were of primary importance to those who lived beneath it.

When the Sun stood still during the three days of Solstice, what must they have thought? They certainly knew there was no survival without its beneficence.

It might have been frightening, causing a large-scale holding of breath while watching and waiting to see if the glorious light would rise again.

It makes perfect sense to me that so many of the ancient monuments denoted this particular activity with complex stone alignments.

It is, indeed, a moment worthy of taking a breath and pausing to reassess and turn a new leaf. I believe from earlier conversations that the Sun is on our side in these matters, especially when we're in rhythm with it.

So, go ahead and Wave with the Sun anytime this week and get in touch with its magnificence as you turn your corner to the new.

The Midnight Hour of the Year…

“When darkness falls, nature demands we retreat. Sometimes we are better served by candles illuminating what is right in front of us, rather than glaring overhead lights revealing the clutter of the world all around.” -Beth Kempson

The Chandra Symbol for the Solstice at 0 degrees Capricorn says it clearly….

“Standing on the inside of life, protected and guarded, guided and led. Held fast. The observer or witness is empowered to see, to realize, to comprehend the mysteries. Clairvoyance. Keenly sensing and viewing meaning and value, purpose and spirit backbone. So strongly and steadily directed from within, that there is no outer, there is nothing to do. Instead, you center yourself and align with who you truly are and remain in the place of authority and power and inward truth as your statement and the only thing you know.” -Inside Degrees, Elias Lonsdale

Much love and infinite blessings,


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