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Service and Purpose in Finding Your Path to Meaningful Living

Greetings, Wavy One!

This week has been an inspiring whirlwind of fascinating interviews and heartfelt conversations with amazing souls worldwide. One theme that stood out is the quest for Service and Purpose. Let’s explore this together.

How May I Serve?

called to serve

As we grow spiritually, many of us feel a deep yearning to live up to our full potential. This inner calling often leads us to seek ways to serve.

Reflecting on my journey, I’ve learned:

  • Start Small: Take simple steps that resonate with your heart.

  • Let Go of Expectations: Detach from predefined outcomes and embrace the process.

These steps can open the door to profound growth and deeper purpose.

(HERE'S a recently channeled Hathor meditation that seems appropriate for this topic.)

Am I Already Serving?

It’s possible you’re already fulfilling your purpose without realizing it. Service can take many forms:

  • Raising a Family: A powerful, often overlooked act of service.

  • Supporting Others: Whether professionally or personally, uplifting others is invaluable.


Recognizing these everyday acts can bring clarity and gratitude to your journey.

Service and Purpose Can Surprise You

Here's what I've experienced in every case: these service opportunities can take you by surprise. And when they hit, it becomes impossible to imagine your life without them.

A case in point is what happened to me last year on a trip to Nepal with my friend, Dr. Clint G. Rogers of the Ancient Secrets Foundation. I had been supporting one orphanage in Nepal for several years through this foundation, so when a trip was offered to meet them, something inside me jumped at the chance. I couldn’t explain the urge that made me sign up for such a long and arduous journey.

Rabin & I playing a favorite group game
Rabin & I playing a favorite group game

And whoa! I never expected to:

  • Become attached to one 17-year-old boy named Rabin.

  • Fall in love with not just one orphan home, but nine.

  • Become transfixed by the idea that the older kids absolutely needed continued protection once they had to leave the homes at 18.

It turns out that the gap between safe orphan homes and independent living is a worldwide issue for young adult orphans. Sadly, they are often targeted by human traffickers.

One year later, a group of us who just couldn’t live with the potentially dangerous consequences of that situation have been inspired to launch a one-year program to support the 18+ kids on their first wobbly legs of independent life.

All kids deserve a path to the future

(To read the details of our program, click HERE.)

We’re continuously raising funds to support 55 young, spirited, beautiful adults on a secure path, which will help them eventually give back to their younger brothers and sisters in a vibrant feedback loop of love and guidance.

Say "Yes" to the Unexpected

Opportunities for service often arise in surprising ways. Last year, my trip to Nepal led me to support young adults transitioning out of orphanages. This unexpected experience became a cornerstone of my purpose.

I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy. - Khalil Gibran

The more we surrender control and trust life’s flow, the more aligned we become with meaningful opportunities. Say "YES" and see where it leads—you may be amazed at what unfolds.

Your Unique Path to Service and Purpose Awaits

Remember, everyone’s journey is unique. By staying present and open to guidance, you can discover your own way to serve and fulfill your soul’s purpose.

How will you serve today?

The best way to find yourself is lose yourself in the service of others - Gandhi

With infinite love and blessings,


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