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Unified In Our Differences

Greetings, Luminous One!

As we in the US are preparing to gather around a Thanksgiving table this week, it seems a perfect time to practice this idea of Unity Consciousness that we've been working with this month.

While many of us look forward to this ritual meal focused on gratitude (and also eating delicious food!), when people come together, there's always the chance of certain personalities rubbing up against each other in triggering ways.

What a great opportunity to remember that we're all part of the same whole, just wearing different colors!

I mean, we're here to grow past our limitations, aren't we?

We certainly don't want old stories of past injuries to hold us back from enjoying the many beautiful aspects of those who are in our lives.

Here's an experiment to try, whether or not you expect any bumpiness:

First, before you gather, imagine multiple Infinity Waves rotating overhead like a ceiling fan in the place where you'll be.

Then, print out the image below and put it in your pocket or wallet before everyone comes together. If you'll be in your own home, stick it on the fridge where you can see it often as a reminder to stay in love and compassion throughout the day.

Lastly, notice how events flow more smoothly and, most importantly, how you can maintain your equanimity and even joy in the preciousness of each moment.

With the Wave, nothing can shake you from this stability.

Infinite blessings,


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