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Greetings, Wavy One!

What a joy it has been to gather in person with a singular goal of addressing Freedom, both personally and globally.

My intention for this Shasta retreat was not only to "ring the clarion bell for Freedom" as the guides had asked of us, but also that everyone who came from far and wide would be provided with a brief but profound respite from the ordinary world and return home feeling refreshed, energized and maybe even transformed.

I'm grateful and relieved to say that those intentions were met... and then some.

A beautiful combination of souls gathered with pure hearts, ready to do whatever it took, even though they had no idea what that would be. Neither did I.

It was a spectacular opportunity to be in "don't know mind!"

As you likely know, it is when we are in curiosity without expectation that the alchemical world can rise up to meet us. And rise it did.

Early in the morning of the 8th, the following transmission came in:

Merlin: The portal will open a gateway ... for communication between your galactic brothers and sisters and yourselves. This communication will enhance the connection between the Earth and other planets and star systems. There has been a great covering of such communications that has been placed on the Earth for a very long time. We wish for you and your group to pierce this covering for it has become a prison. It is an energetic film, but stronger than that. Only with the assistance of many can it be pierced. This is what you and your group are called to do.

Hope: How will we know that we have achieved our goal?

Merlin: You will have a strong sense that your lives are altered. There will be a lightness in your step and a profound sense that you have contributed to a great work. This is not to be entered into lightly for it is heavy lifting, but those who have been called are the ones to make this happen. We here on the other side are extremely honored by all who ... are joining energetically.

The other piece of this rendering of the film is that the Earth will reverberate with a new understanding of itself. This is a way to awaken EVERYONE, even those who consider themselves already awake. You will start to see many hidden truths coming to light after this opening. Mostly, you will know in your hearts that you helped your home at a crucial time.

Yeshua: I am overjoyed that you have followed the path to Mt Shasta so that you can deliver to that land, those people and your group the transmissions of love and compassion that will be flowing through you... We are intent upon reverberating the messages and energy of love and compassion through all of you ... if there are eyes to see and ears to hear. I am not here to predict, but to assure. My companion, St Germaine, is also here.

Hope: St Germaine, you are much beloved here in Mt Shasta. Everywhere I go I see images of you and hear people speaking of the miracles you have wrought. What brought you to Shasta in the first place?

St Germaine: I was drawn here because of the people who reside in the mountain. It is a real place, Telos, and these people are elevated in their consciousness. We discovered together that we could broadcast love to the world through this portal (Mt Shasta) that already exists. I am told you and your group will be opening another one and this is most exciting for us. We need as many openings as we can get. The ceilings are becoming so low that it is getting difficult to breathe, even in spirit form. I know that sounds strange, but it is a question of density, not oxygen.

Hope: I see. And will you be assisting us with our transmissions and broadcasts?

St Germaine: Yes, I ... would be honored to assist. I will also ask the elders of Telos to join me."

So, with that information, we headed out, expertly guided by a wonderful, loving man named Andrew Oser, who made sure we arrived at the appointed hour at the dowsed spot on Mt Shasta called the Temple of Love. As soon as we arrived, the energy started, almost as if it had been waiting for us.

As many of you know, when I tap into energies, my upper body moves around a lot - it is not in my control. (If I stand up, I am lifted to my tippy toes and can careen over!) My arms started circling extremely quickly until finally, they went overhead and what looked like an inverted cone hovered above us in my mind's eye. I felt this was the open portal.

Then, the beings who had spoken earlier, spoke again:

"In the spirit of love, we speak to Freedom. We speak first of the Freedom that is necessary for this beloved Planet Earth. For too long there have been forces wishing ... to remove the divine connection that each and every soul has to the One Creator, to the One, and this must end. And we proclaim it now, we proclaim it on this day at this time, on Aug 8, 2024 at noon, that Freedom must reign. Therefore, we collect ourselves ... and pull all of our deepest intentions and desires into a magnificent sword. This is the Sword of Truth.

Dear Ones, it may be challenging to hear Truth for it may upset your fondly held beliefs, but we know that you are courageous souls who are willing to have your eyes see clearly. And we know that because we know you desire the highest good for all. In order to have the highest good for all, you must be able to see clearly. In order to see clearly, you must desire Truth. In order to attain the Truth, you must have Freedom. Freedom to search the Truth out, Freedom to receive the Truth, Freedom to be the walking emblem of the Truth. All of these Freedoms have been denied steadily, but surely over the eons. And on this day we say NO MORE.

Let us take this sword hovering above our heads, and let us place in the hilt one or more Infinity Waves so that in piercing the film that covers the planet, it is done in love and compassion. It is not done with heavy energies, but with gratitude. It is done with joy, with a light heart. We are sending this sword up together - all of you and all of us. What a blessing to be working with you, to be playing with you in this way!

Friends, it is time. On the count of 3 let us send this magnificent sword straight upwards to pierce that which covers your planet to make way for the Truth and the Freedom of all. "

So, to all of you who contributed our time and hearts to our endeavor, WE THANK YOU!

The final transmission came in afterward:

"Merlin: Greetings, my dear! We are most gratified at your offering yesterday. We want you and your group to know that not only did the sword pierce the film, but the tear is continuing to open wide. What a magnificent outpouring from all hearts and souls around the planet! We could not be more pleased.

Yeshua & Mary Magdalene: You have succeeded beyond our wildest dreams! The purity of expression was enough to tilt the scales and now you will witness a great outpouring of truth and revelation. In truth, the Book of Revelations is all about this: Truth being revealed. Your group has provided an opportunity for the world to restart on a high note rather than a low one. We love you and all who have performed this miracle. Yes, we were by your sides, but it is through the flesh that miracles actually occur – we can only support. You must be willing. With great love, we send you off today and will remain by your side.

St Germaine: Greetings to you all, and much gratitude for your efforts yesterday. We experienced a great opening that was a result of our collective impulse to pierce the film. You (and the group) have made it possible for us to breathe again for which we are eternally grateful. We will provide a great watershed of love for the rest of your journey. Please know that we bless you as much as we are able. Please return – we will welcome you back with great love."

So, that's all for now from Mt Shasta.

With infinite love and blessings,


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